“Best Tasting Tomatoes in the Mid-West”
15 Varieties | Homegrown Heirloom | Canning Quantity
Grafted Heirloom Tomatoes from both local and European varieties
Grafted Heirloom Tomatoes from both local and European varieties
4Tomato Varieties
Modern Determinate: Red Duce | Phoenix | 4th of July | Camaro
Heirloom Determinate: Anna Russian | Brandywine | Cherokee Purple | Carbon | Copia | Shimmer | Wild Boar | Wild Boar Pink
U-PICK Hours 9 am – 4 pm Picking conditions vary. Please call first. 636-925-9969
SUMMER: JULY – AUG Tomatoes, Peaches, Blackberries, and more…
FALL: SEPT 1 – Apples OCT 1 – Pumpkins
Herman's Farm Orchard
Modern Determinate: Red Duce | Phoenix | 4th of July | Camaro
Heirloom Determinate: Anna Russian | Brandywine | Cherokee Purple | Carbon | Copia | Shimmer | Wild Boar | Wild Boar Pink
U-PICK Hours 9 am – 4 pm Picking conditions vary. Please call first. 636-925-9969
SUMMER: JULY – AUG Tomatoes, Peaches, Blackberries, and more…
FALL: SEPT 1 – Apples OCT 1 – Pumpkins
Herman's Farm Orchard